
O full-orb'd moon, did but thy rays

Their last upon mine anguish gaze!

Beside this desk, at dead of night,

Oft have I watched to hail thy light:

Then, pensive friend! o'er book and scroll,

With soothing power, thy radiance stole!

In thy dear light, ah, might I climb,

Freely, some mountain height sublime,

Round mountain caves with spirits ride,

In thy mild haze o'er meadows glide,

And, purged from knowledge-fumes, renew

My spirit, in thy healing dew!

Goethe: Faust I.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Regular Podcast for Ut Supra Infra of Joshuan Enterprises, NLC.


Please go to the new podcast index site, where you can play individual episodes in page or subscribe so that you can be edified by my audio aesthetics on your subterranean, interstate highway, and suburban traffic commutes.  By no means are these created with the commute in mind, and you'd be just as well or better served in listening at work or at home.  Depending on the nature of the particular recording, it could serve as the background for any type of evening:  amorous, cryptanalytical, dressed-up-and-nowhere-to-go, drunken, junken, or just plain plain, while you code, while you stitch, while you read, while you shower, while you cook, paint, or ritualize.

Track listings will be available on the site until I figure out how to tag the tracks in the podcast with art and all (i know it's possible, I've seen it), and after, but please tolerate the inconvenience until that is sorted.  If you know how to do, then let me know how to do. -- this is the aforementioned index.

What is the universe -IN- I ask.  I've asked many, and got not much more than the same old answer that the universe is what stuff is in, not the other way around.  Barbarians, I say.

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