
O full-orb'd moon, did but thy rays

Their last upon mine anguish gaze!

Beside this desk, at dead of night,

Oft have I watched to hail thy light:

Then, pensive friend! o'er book and scroll,

With soothing power, thy radiance stole!

In thy dear light, ah, might I climb,

Freely, some mountain height sublime,

Round mountain caves with spirits ride,

In thy mild haze o'er meadows glide,

And, purged from knowledge-fumes, renew

My spirit, in thy healing dew!

Goethe: Faust I.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Bells

There are no clocks I can see, but I can hear eight working ones in the room, plus the bells of a church.  It's always dark when I wake up, and the light through the window is from a paranoid streetlamp.  I am tired.  I don't want to wake up, but once the gears start turning, the discomfort sets in & I know I'll be awake.  The eight clocks in the room, for LA, NY, BA, London, Berlin, Bangkok, HK, Tokyo, and the dead Moscow clock at night seem like a perfect train of rhythm, a locomotive pulling a slow heart down even tracks.  It isn't hard to fall asleep.  When I next hear them, they are quieter; my mind is louder.
I can hear every movement in the house, the flame of the heater, the fan, the metal clicking and bending with temperature, the creak of wood and more.  If I move, it will hurt, but I can't stay still.  Sitting down in flourescent light, putting on ugly trousers in the cold, I am unsure if this is life. 

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