
O full-orb'd moon, did but thy rays

Their last upon mine anguish gaze!

Beside this desk, at dead of night,

Oft have I watched to hail thy light:

Then, pensive friend! o'er book and scroll,

With soothing power, thy radiance stole!

In thy dear light, ah, might I climb,

Freely, some mountain height sublime,

Round mountain caves with spirits ride,

In thy mild haze o'er meadows glide,

And, purged from knowledge-fumes, renew

My spirit, in thy healing dew!

Goethe: Faust I.

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Obsolete Mania

I am in Brixton, where for some reason it seems warmer and maybe even a little sunnier than other parts I have been in. I suppose the city is always a couple of degrees warmer, with exhaust, concrete, and general heat and energy more concentrated and retained than say in the middle of a field or something.

Finding a job isn't that difficult. It's the NHS number that's hard to come by. One of the peculiar situations where being Croatian is advantageous in comparison to having been assigned a North American nationality, and the corresponding documentation.

Today I am happy with a conversation held with Manuel, a regular hustler and street person of the Brixton tube station. He's got something about him. A tranquility, maybe, or a kind of intendedness. I can't trust him, you know, but almost. Born in Angola. Don't repeat that.

I'm really confused about what is going on with U.S. vs. Iraq. It seems that I see so many articles that Bush and fiends are mounting up and basically in the process of launching an attack as we speak. Then I read another decree attributed to GWBush along the lines of imminent attack, in just a second. Gives me the feeling I get when vying for the upper hand in rock paper scissors, and go for 2 outta 3, 3 outta 5, etc. Are they waiting for a more optimal time in re-election strategy to press the button? Spike in popularity, compulsory patriotism to alleviate misgivings or feelings that something isn't right about the gunboat diplomacy, maybe even guilt? I know it's boring to hear the same old rants, poorly phrased a different way, never thought all the way through, and actually a bit derogative of myself since I am not doing more to counter-act what I believe is going wrong.

Wish me luck, anyway. I am trying to be responsible and adult. Have to start all over.

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